The Dominant Drowess

Role-playing Characters
"Naughty Natty" Natalia,
- Disreputable, Slutty Half-Elf Bard
Her Right Honorable,
The Viscountess Vivian Darling
- Sorceress, Noblewoman, Supplicant of Ubasti
Essays and Ramblings

Author Quotes:
“Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. It's a way of understanding it.”
"I like good plot with my erotica. It makes the sex better."
"Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who's the baddest drow of all?"
"I love you, in a very.. AOL friend kind of way."
"Don't be cynical in my IMs please."
Availible RP Hours
Any time after 0400 PST.
0500 MST
0600 CST
0700 EST
You can even reach me at work via: "KissAndAFist" on AIM.
All Day and All Night. I RP all the time.

Sunday, May 01, 2016:
Reformatting page and making it more accessible from main page. Soon to update character's pre-RP history with more details, and update the RP'd history with more up to date information. Added a new article to front page marked 'New'.
Monday August 3, 2015:
Renovating my website, cleaning up some of the OOC sections, and making the site more accessable in general.
NOTE -- June 15th, 2015:
Started playing in AOL chats. Added download link for people, for SHOCK 3 to AOL Chat Rules - to remove AOL chat adds.