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I love Lurkers. I love and hate the bolt.


I think people on AOL use it without thinking, and they use the bolt for petty, or small reasons because they are incredibly judgemental about other people's desires and intentions and further, are incredibly judgemental and controling about what other people's desires and intentions "should" be.


"Well, if she's just going to lurk there, I'm going to boot her. I hate lurkers."

   - This stops new players from *wanting* to learn the setting, and about your characters.​   

   - They could have been reading the profile(s) of you (or people in the room).

   - Could be on the toilet.

   - Could just like watching your RP.


"His profile isn't modern/medieval/whatever we're playing. Boot him."

  - This stops new players from *wanting* to learn the setting, and about your characters.​

  - Why does someone have to play the character in their profile?

  - Why do people HAVE to have profiles to play?


"I know they aren't posting in the room, but I don't like this person's RP."

   - This stops people from learning what you *do* like.​

   - This stops people from learning how to get along with eachother. 

My views on.. 'Ban Lists' & 'Chat Moderation' Really?

Every single one of the above, have the following in common:

  - They show a lack of willingness to communicate, compromise, cooperate, and allow others to learn.

  - They show the true reason RP is dying off quickly; because RP's oldest remaining players are generally a bunch of stuck-up middle-aged children who either never learned, or don't remember how, or why to use their words with people whom are either new to the genre, or never had anyone be patient with them when they were new.

  - These same people are incredibly judgemental of others.


Key notes:

 - I will not ban you for lurking! :D

 - I will be unhappy with people who ban you for lurking!

 - I've been here for 18 years on AOL. I'm almost 29 years old now.

 - To this day, I still get in OOC arguments with people I've known for years. This is not a bad thing.

      - It also doesn't stop me from RPing with them!

      - All I have to do is be willing to keep communicating until we figure out where the hang-up is.

 - You can't agree with everyone on everything. And you can't expect people to always agree with you: They won't.

      - Some people may call me a hypocrite on this fact, but I'm not, and I'll explain why. ;)

 - I don't choose my friends based on who agrees with me. I choose them based on how we handle the things we disagree on.

 - I am always willing to initiate or recieve a dialogue from another player about points of disagreement! Always.

 - I don't demand an apology from you. All I want is an explaination of why you did what you did, and for you to listen to me explain why I did what I did.

      - This is how we get past miscommunications -- and they happen constantly. Even when you don't think they happened! :)

      - As long as you're not actively disrupting RP -today- ... I'm probably willing to talk to you about what was/is going on.

      - If we come to an understanding after we've done that? Great. Cool! Let's RP! That's what we're all here for anyways, right?

 - I tend to be hardest on the people I care about the most.

 - I am a very polite, but very harsh, but infinately well-meaning person. I will tell you things exactly how they happened -- especially when they follow patterns I've seen you do before.

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