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Rules When I have the bolt!

"Is My Character To Strong?"

RP like a nice skirt

Here's some simple rules;


When I host? Rooms are entirely Medieval fantasy. No Nexus RP.

   - Generic -- but with some acceptance of vague references to other places and things, as if they're all in one big, unmapped fantasy world.


You can join, or lurk for as long as you want, with no fear of being booted!

   - We feel it's healthy given the current state of RP for people to be able to meet and greet, and discuss SL's in IMs while being able to watch other people play and get a feel for the RP community!


We post in alphabetical order of screen names!

   - This is so people can help keep their place in the fast pace of our posts!


Four post limit even on entrances!

   - This is to help speed things up when a lot of people are playing. Pre-type parts of your first post whenever possible. This isn't required if it's just two people, but if we get to 3? Keep it down to 4 posts, or I'll publicly call you a Heathen!


Have fun, and be nice to people OOC!

  - And try not to take offense to people whom seem like they aren't following this rule!

  - Your character doesn't have to be nice!


I will only boot people whom:

  - Advertise or spam.

  - Look like bots at first glance.

  - Are actively starting OOC drama.

  - Are actively disrupting RP.


Boots are temporary. Always. If you think I booted you by mistake? Send me an IM! Maybe I thought you were a spam-bot! Or the 'r u a cannibal' guy. Or something equally horrifying. I do not keep shit-lists, or perma ban.


I do not hold grudges, I'm not an elitist, I'm not a clique-person and I do not tolerate grudge-matches by anyone against anyone.

   - It doesn't matter if I booted you out yesterday for something.

   - It doesn't matter if we have a history.

   - It doesn't matter if we "never RP together anymore".

   - It doesn't matter if you hate me or my RP.

   - Or if we had an argument today in IMs about something not


   - I will not boot you out of the room unless you did something today.


That is my promise to the RP community. Doesn't matter if you play in Gor, popular culture RP, modern-players, whatever. If you wanna come in and watch, or play a character not on your profile? Go right ahead! RP's to small for all this bickering -- but whatever my room is, it is non-nexus medieval fantasy.


If I booted you? Talk to me. If I blocked you? Talk to me or e-mail me tomorrow. I am reasonable. Even when you're not.


Very Respectfully,

   - The Dominant Drowess

Here's a few rules about character power; these tiers are designed to codify acceptable levels of power in given rooms. Most chats I host will be classified as X-Tier or below. This tier system is not about what "form" your character is currently in, but rather about the most powerful thing they have ever been or are "destined" to become. (Assuming you've written some kind of fate for them.)


In general? Under "fair" circumstances? Two members of the same tier can put up a good fight against the next tier, or even defeat it with proper planning and tactics. My Drow loses to a Tier 4 every time in a fair 1 on 1.


Tier 1) Basic non-combatants only dangerous to fighters in numbers.

  - Untrained Large Dogs

  - The Farmer's Daughter, and Born Victims or Fodder.

  - Poor Helpless Beggers, Kobolds, Halfling Dirt Farmers, Gnomes Cobblers.

  - Skeletons, Rotted Shambler Zombies / Slow Fodder Undead.


Tier 2) Things trained individuals can handle one or two at a time.

  - Average Human with minimal combat training.

  - Feral "Runner" or "Fresh" Zombies / Ghouls.

  - Trained Goblin Hunter OR The Worge it's riding on.

  - Trained Halfling Burgler.


Tier 3) Characters that need to be taken very seriously in a fight.

  - Professional Warriors or Raiders.

  - Orc or other Brute-Race Warriors.

  - Guards & Most Mercenaries.

  - That big scarey bouncer who told you not to touch the strippers.


Tier 4) Shit that can make a brave mortal man run the other way.

  - Mortal Weapons Masters. (The Lancelot; famous guy who never loses a duel)

  - Hedge-Wizard capable of an explosive 'Fireball' or throwing Lightning.

  - Cleric capable of raising recently dead - at prohibitive or crippling cost.

  - A "Large" Dragon, the size of a large horse.

  - An Ogre or Troll, or other *Minor* Giant-Kin.

  - The Average D&D Succubus or Diva.

  - Warrior with a legendary sword. (Excalibur or 'Dawn, Sword of House Dayne!')


These first three tiers are pretty much automatically A-Okay "levels of Power." These tiers are the bread and butter of fantasy settings. While they may be OOCly welcome, players are allowed to act adversely to the presence of exotic characters (including my own drow!) at their own preference, regardless of if it is on the above list or not. This, under no circumstances makes them "safe" to play! 


These fourth Tier requires a level of tact, self-control and timing to integrate fairly into other people's RP experience. The next two tiers are largely included for reference only unless being used in private or plot-related RPs and don't belong in the average tavern or city street scene -- and have little place unless included as brief cameos, or agreed upon story-lines.


Tier 5) Shit that should make you piss your pants.

  - Ageless Chosen of a Diety.

  - 12-foot tall, 1600lbs Giant.

  - Massive Dragon Capable of quickly eatting you with little or no chewing.

  - Planeswalking Champion of a God or Goddess.

  - Arch-Mages Who Can Flatten The Tavern Or Village With One Great Spell.

  - Famous, Powerful, Legendary or other Named Demon Lords or Fiends.

  - Liches & Other Semi-Immortals or otherwise 'Cursed' with Immortality.

  - Arch-Angels or other famous / legendary celestial entity.


Tier 6) Shit you should only hear in legend and (un)holy books.

  - Arch-Fiends, Dukes of Hell, Demon Princes, Son of Zeus.

  - Demi-Gods or characters with more unique 'powers' then spells.

  - Other Entities capable of re-making portions of Reality at a whim.

  - Characters whom routinely ignore laws of physics and magic classification.


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