The Dominant Drowess

Art that I had commissioned for my character, Nayleen by Rupert Everton. Don't judge me. I look at porn. My porn is just better then yours.
Frequently Asked Questions..
Because of the sheer amount of people asking these questions that I have answered a thousand times, I've created a 'Frequently Asked Questions' page. These things are organized in such a way so that you know the shit I love, you know the shit I hate, and we can have a rational discussion about what's left in our common ground.
If there isn't one... then I dunno why you're still bugging me! :-D
But before we begin, there's one very important question I need to ask you..
Do you or are you willing to play in medieval fantasy public rooms?
I play, virtually exclusively in unmoderated open-access groups. I don't usually do 1 on 1's unless there's a plot related reason. This is because AOL's RP community is important to me. If it is not important to you -- we will not likely get along.
I will NEVER..
- Play your favorite published canon setting(s) -- I don't even care if it's a TV series I like.
- Join your moderated group or forum.
- Tolerate having my character's behavior censored because you're squeamish.
- Play with or tolerate "nexus" ("time" or cross-over -- ie; modern jeans and guns mixed in with medieval) characters from strangers.
- Play characters other then my own.
- Play in a modern or modern fantasy RP setting with a stranger.
- Write you a character for you because you're an unimaginative twat.
- Promise to be gentle with you or your character's feelings.
- Play in private with strangers.
- Promise I'll like your character.
- Promise you'll like mine.
- Apologize for an IC impulse.
- Agree myself or my character will want to have sex with you or yours.
- Permenantly deny you role-play for shit you did a year ago after the dust has settled.
... but most importantly I will never feel like it's "my loss" when you read my "nevers", and tell me we're not compatible. lol.
I will almost ALWAYS..
- RP sex WHEN the RP makes me feel like fucking.
- Get turned off by you asking me if the RP is making me feel like fucking.
- Role-play in PUBLIC medieval fantasy chats with ANYONE who wants to play.
- Multi-Paragraph role-play.
- Short paragraph role-play.
- Risk my character's life in pursuit of excitement.
- Risk or threaten your character's life in pursuit of excitement.
- RP my character's personality, even when it is inconvenient.
- RP things that offend people.
- Publicly embarrass people who lack a sense of irony or ability to laugh at themselves.
- Authenticism. (If you RP something you know a lot about in real life, good on you~!)
- In-Character Drama. (If it hurts, makes you laugh, get angry, or cry it's done right!)
- Generic Medieval Fantasy.
- Dungeons and Dragons themes.
- People taking creative license to make shit in their RP make some practical sense.
- Magic that is mysterious, dangerous and rare rather then common - such as magical boons with down-sides, magic items with curses or that influence their carriers negatively.
- Seelie and Unseelie fae that don't really give a fuck about mortal values, who's ethics and morality can barely be fathomed or understood by humans.
- Old-style gothic vampires, werewolves that were legitimately horrifying, murderous and monstrous, thought provoking as predators and mysterious/hiding their nature.
- Classical sirens and mermaids that sank-ships and/or lured/drown and ate sailors.
- Classical centaurs that drank heavily, kidnapped, and raped throughout the Greek mythology that invented them.
- Other classical monster/horror elements that have been blunted or humanized by modern literature.
- Slavery that is slavery rather then a euphemism for BDSM relationships.
- Sticking it out through hard-times, because the group loves the RP and I appreciate that they appreciate my RP.
- When you stick it out through hard-times, so we can look back on these RP's 10 years down the road, and talk about them and other people like old-times.
In RP, I HATE when you..
- hide on an alt, and pretend to be someone else who I didn't know two years ago, when we all know based on your typing style and fetishes that you're not. =P
- present cheap story-arcs that are presented so my character will fuck a stranger's.
- say things like or equivalent to: "mm..so looking at her profile, I do have to say, those are some awesome boobs"
- apologize reflexively rather then simply explaining more clearly when I say I do not understand something.
- don't know what a fucking proper-noun is!
- don't capitalize or punctuate 90% of the time it's appropriate.
- make excuses and want to tell me all about them. You are not required to justify yourself to me, no matter how much I ask. If your answer is stupid, or a lie -- it's better for both of us if you just suck it up.
- think playing in a medieval fantasy setting is inherently, somehow indicative to being a real-life racist because they lack the imagination to insert their "Filipino" (or other ethnicity!) character into the setting without blue jeans and a gun. It's a fantasy world; grow an imagination and make some shit up. You don't have to be a drow to be from a culture that has no parallel in IRL history.
- OOCly end stories that multiple people's plots and efforts have gone into because you don't like how your character's behavior reflects on you and aren't willing to affect change in your own character. "Lol. Annikan Skywalker suddenly ceased to exist because they player was unhappy other character's hate his because he chose to murder children - wut? What are we going to do about Luke's dad story-arc?"
Doing any of these things that I hate, will not cause me to instantly dismiss the possibility of RPing with you, so long as the actual ratio of your OOC to IC is quite a bit heavier... as in... "I regularly get more RP out of you then I get flak". If you want to be on my good side... when I'm RPing.. start RPing. Just stop talking in my fucking IMs... open an RP Room... start RPing with people, and even if I hate your OOC mannerisms, I'll probably still think far more highly of you then I do people I get along with who never RP.
I don't choose my friends based on how often I agree with them. I choose them based on how we handle the things we disagree on.
Here's a basic FAQ for some commonly asked questions about my drow.
Q) Why does Nayleen hate me so much?
A) Nayleen is a drow, who is trying to fit in and climb within an evil racist human society. If your character is intrusive, randomly violent, monsterously inhuman in appearance, or otherwise disruptive to her goals, you're going to have a near impossible time trying to get to know her.
Q) Will Nayleen have sex with my character?
A) If it serves her purposes in gaining an alliance she feels she actually needs, yes. If it's just because you want to appear important enough for her to fuck? Probably not.
Q) How do you get so many good RP's in public rooms? All I get is crap!
A) Because I play by a set of principles which I'll outline below:
1) Look at everything - including your own character - through the cross-hairs. Nothing is sacred or protected. When you can no longer bare to allow an X-year old character to die, is when you need to retire them, and make a new one you're less attached to.
2) Enjoy taking hits, and having your character talk about, and react to those hits they took in later RP's - even magic/supernatural healing or regeneration shouldn't be perfect. (Sore ribs, grudges, bones ache when it's cold, reminding you of an old rival, etc.) Get stabbed. Get thrown off a second story building and break a rib. Walk around with your arm in a sling. Scars given to you by other players are the coolest ones to have when you're cyber-sexing. <3
3) Everyone must play like an antagonist. Let your character hold grudges. Have your character walk into every room ready to start confrontation in order to get an objective done; even if it's as simple as grabbing a stranger's arm to ask directions to a tavern, or find a person who owes you money. Be willing to offend people's characters. All of your objectives should require you to coerce, threaten, or convince people to cooperate with you, or with eachother.
4) Avoid playing immortal, supernatural or inhuman characters - like vampires, dragons, demons, demi-gods and others - unless you have an established audience who is willing to work with you, these kinds of characters are almost impossible to work into the average tavern scene regardless of how you finagle disguises, magic, shape-shifting or whatever. It just comes off as campy and lame.
5) If you have to kill someone -- try to do it in ways that allow them to fall off the radar for a few weeks when possible. Ambiguous deaths under time-constraints are better -- throw them off a cliff into shallow water, stab them in an alley and run from the city watch or other witnesses.. avoid cutting people's heads off on camera where possible. Things that allow the possibility of survival.
6) NPC's matter. A lot. They - given their strength in numbers -- should be considered *more* dangerous then the average player. The law matters. Avoid using them as fodder, or to prove how evil your character is. NPC's can be evil too. It's lame to rob an NPC. It's dramatic to rob a player. Let NPC's surprise you. It's narratively more enjoyable for the crowd if that Half-Orc thug at the bar proves why *he* is the half-orc thug in the bar, and not you. <3
7) Most importantly -- don't have immediate goals that hi-jack other people's story lines or importance. Instead? Focus on goals that are small scale enough for other people to be able to care about them without ignoring their own story needs. If your character can casually flout the law in public, ignore or effortlessly kill NPC's regularly or easily enough that you can ignore guards in the middle of town or is to big for a tavern girl with a kitchen knife to be a threat to if she sneaks up on you -- you're probably thinking to big and need to tone it back.
If you want to know more about my gameplay, and why I play the way I do, and how effective it's been for me? Check out some of my Essays on Role-playing~
Q: What the fuck is Llorkh?
A: Llorkh is kinda what we started using as a default city name for a large medieval fantasy city. It's named after a rarely mentioned place in the Forgotten Realms (Faerun) setting, but knowledge of the setting isn't required to play there as we are NOT STRICTLY CANONICAL!
Our Llorkh, Our World History, and Our RP setting is a lot more generic; but also? A lot less fantastical and a lot more mysterious then the standard D&D.
Key features of Llorkh as we understand it in continuity:
1) It's relatively close (a week or two's travel) to whatever you want to see in the region that isn't a larger city.
- If you really want a map? Here's Llorkh's local region~ (Link incoming)
- If you really want a world map? Here's a map of Faerun with Llorkh highlighted in Red. (Link incoming)
- Other areas of Forgotten Realms that are featured in computer games and popular novels are highlighted in orange.
2) Llorkh is Lawful Evil in alignment, and largely humancentric, racist, and the majority of it's citizens are very poor humans who blame other races for it's problems -- but does not (openly) worship evil gods.
3) Slavery is legal in Llorkh. The majority of slaves in Llorkh however, are human.
4) Llorkh has few exports outside of silver mines.