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Nayleen's Sigil
Nayleen wants it split 75 / 25..
Nayleen No'Quath
Nayleen has a change of heart~
She failed 'Smiling 101'... Forever
The Drow is watching you..
Nayleen and Alora tied up by Krix
Nayleen teaches Krix'alean respect
Nayleen is not a morning person..
Nayleen seducing Nimesis
The 'long game'...

Name: Nayleen No'Quath / Suada-T'korlek (Underdark due to rogue-status)

Race: Demon Possessed Drow Noble

Gender: Female

Alignment: Neutral Evil - No morality or ethics. At all.

Sexuality: Bisexual, with male preference.

     - She usually won't fuck humans; "I'm not a (recreational) beastophile."

Height: 5'0 - most men and women stand head and shoulders over her.

Weight: 105 Lbs. - most men could carry her.

Nayleen's profession as she lives amongst humans on the surface is something of an opportunist. She has been a tavern owner (until her tavern mysteriously burned to the ground), a bodyguard, and maintains a license with The Slaver's Guild in the City of Llorkh, although her recent pregnancy has largely moved her out of active work. While she keeps a surface-elf lover, and raises a newborn, half-drow daughter whom she is perhaps more protective of then one might expect of the often callous Drowess ... but though she has been seen to be a relatively good neighbor, a useful business associate, and a relatively cunning warrior -- one should make no mistake: 

Nayleen is a drow female. And she takes that very seriously. 

When she was desperate to survive on the surface she has gone as far as to prostitute herself and her exotic beauty to the wealthy, resorted to petty armed robbery on highways, and even murdered inconvenient witnesses (including children and other non-combatants), sold people into slavery and once? Spent weeks living inside the lair of a defeated medusa, chaining up petrified heroes and victims of the dead monster so that reverse the petrification with her magic, interrogate them, slit their throats, and appropriate their magical equipment for her own purposes: Cut off from her people, with all her drow forged equipment rotted away by the light of the sun, where else, save a perilous dragon's horde would a drow get her hands on such a cache of magical equipment in order to move up in the world?. 

Though she is a bad person when it's useful to be bad -- Nayleen is not particularly powerful or skilled when you compare her to other members of her race -- nor is she particularly influential in the grand scheme of things: The horrifying part to those whom become aware of her wicked side without being the subject of it is that there is absolutely no limit to the depravities she is willing to commit when it suits her. There is no moral conscience, no heinous act she would not commit if it would gain her what she desired.. so long as she can get away with it cleanly and withoutundesirable consequences -- and it is ONLY the risk of death, or loss that prevents her from attempting to dominate or murder everyone in sight. Though Nayleen is without scruples of any kind.. she is a thinker. And she knows that many of the things she desires (World Domination, a rain of non-drow blood from the sky, enslaving that bitch-ass noble who keeps taxing her and having a dog fuck him in the ass) are not sociallyacceptable. 

Thankfully for everyone World Domination requires shrewder thinking and more talented physical prowess then she -- or most mortal creatures -- are capable of, and she like most people, monsters, and animals spends most of her time bogged down in taking care of her own basic needs (i.e.; food, water, the bills, social obligations, personal comforts).. and Nayleen is a woman of expensive tastes. Pillows, and the soft sighs of a lover or concubine next to her are things she desires in her own life that she is not willing to surrender easily. 

One requirement of Nayleen's Lolth-granted divine powers however -- both clergy, and those of blackguards -- being that she participate; at least casually -- in the taking of a sentient life once per month. The maintenance of this power can be as casual as being a member of a congregation simply witnessing a blood-sacrifice in a ritual dedicated to the Spider Goddess.. participating in combat where at least one enemy (in battle or after accepting their surrender) is killed and speaking a prayer to The Goddess afterwards -- or? In the case where one's blood-debt to the Goddess has lapsed due to negligence, lack of piety, or lack of available sacrifices (such as spending an extended time hiding from superior enemies, or spending a lengthy time imprisoned) or while living among those whom are not accepting of The Spider Goddess's doctrine.. The individual must themselvespreform a ritual murder - with all present being aware of what is happening - dedicated to The Spider Goddess, to re-declare themselves her servant. 

During Nayleen's time on the surface, her blood-debt has lapsed numerous times -- although she is still, quietly a follower of the Queen of Spiders -- the majority of her friends and allies and those she keeps close to her, including the father of her half-drow daughter -- are only vaguely aware of her faith, and are not fully aware of the obligation of her often absent clerical magic. 

Nayleen does not often discuss religion with non-drow, and always acts disinterested in the cult of Elistraee, or any surface god -- she is, often, quite hostile to any person whom speaks the name of her Goddess without appropriate reverence or intention. It is well known to Nayleen that Demons (including Lolth, The Demon Queen of Spiders) can see and hear those whom dare to speak their names.. and Nayleen has no interest in being observed by her Goddess while being friendly with, or taking lovers outside her race. 

She has threatened those whom casually utter Lolth's name ("..Do not ever say that name again.") -- and quickly, but quietly murdered even intimate lovers whom dared to do it a second time, fearing the utterance might inconveniently bring Lolth's gaze upon her while she lay naked in their arms.. Lolth is a diety of secrets and intrigue; fucking an elf in secret isn't a crime.. unless another Lolthite finds out, and uses it to humiliate you.. but when Lolth is watching? You had best be certain you do something note-worthy while under her gaze.​

(RP History Pages Under Contruction)


Suada was born as Nayleen No'Quath, a drow noble, the older middle daughter of four from a minor and unimportant House of Menzoberanzan. Nayleen learned from an early age to lie, cheat, steal, murder, torture and enslave, largely by having these things done to or in front of her. Born female she was raised as an acolyte of Lloth, killed her first drow by age twelve and when she reached age fourty she traveled to the great cathedral of Arach-Tinilith and studied there to become a High Priestess of the Demon Queen of Spiders for over fifty years.


While she passed the majority of her early lessons without particular difficulty -- the limits of her divine power were quickly reached before she was half way into her studies.. falling behind her peers, she nearly washed out the school. To save herself from disgrace, and potential sacrificial offering by her mother -- she volunteered to be the center-piece for the Graduation Ceremony of Melee Magthere -- an orgy in celebration of the blooding; a surface raid participated in by all graduates -- Nayleen offering herself as sexual partner for a summoned Glabrezu demon to prove her faith. Known for her beauty, if not her clerical power, she was accepted and painfully put through the most brutal of couplings with the greater demon as part of a larger orgy put on by the Clergy of Lloth for the graduates of Melee Magthere that lasted for for nearly a full day.. and when it was over, Nayleen was left with a fiend's seed in her womb. 

During her pregnancy, Nayleen saw visions in her reverie.. whispers of dark things, and secrets to horrid for the uninitiated to know. She was treated with reverence by the Priestesses and teachers of her faith; a pregnant female -- even commoners -- was given preferential treatment and many shortcomings were overlooked. She carried the Draegloth -- a four-armed, unholy abomination born of the mingling of Drow and Glabrezu -- to term, and the monster was taken by the Church to be raised as an animal, a guard-dog.. a thing that could speak only in snarls and hatred.. in the service of Arach-Tinilith and it's Teachers. In her fifty years at Arach-Tinilith, she participated in this ritual no less then four times to save herself on separate occasions -- each several years apart. Each time the same demon, each time resulting in a more horrid, painful and humiliating sexual encounter then the previous ... by the third time.. The Glabrezu, T'korlak began haunting her dreams -- possessive, dominating, terrible; Nayleen had to fashion an amulet that warded her against evil just to meditate peacefully during the night.


After fifty years of study, Nayleen was ordained as a High Priestess of the Goddess Lloth, The Demon Queen of Spiders and returned to her house in the full favor of her Goddess. Her influence among her sisters greatly increased, and the power she wielded in the house-hold beneath only that of her eldest sister, and her mother 

Nayleen's power grew. But not as quickly as that of her younger sister. Her spells never as powerful, and her younger sister's growing influence was not to be underestimated in her house. It was obvious to most that the younger would certainly slay her sister given an opportunity. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately ... Inter-House politics interrupted twenty years of sibling rivalry. She had backed down from a challenge by her sister -- losing the favor of her Mother -- and was shortly thereafter tasked by her eldest sister on a lowly errand that had her out of the House Compound to meet with one of her Mother's contacts. While Nayleen was tasking her House came under attack.


THE JEWEL BOX BROTHEL: Naked and Powerless

She had returned to her House Compound to find it ruins, scorched by fireballs, cracked by Earth-quakes, with slaves running wild, and dead drow soldiers of her House, animated as the undead thrall, marching in formation out of the House Compound.. but she was not close enough to identify the attacking house.. Nayleen did not go unseen for long -- shot from behind by a crossbow quarrel. The bolt poisoned, and she was unable to carry on the fight very long against a half-dozen enemies -- they waited her out, and she collapsed into unconsciousness as the paralytic venom coursed through her veins. 

Succumbing to sleep poison, the drowess awoke naked -- a whore, a slave in the cellars of The Jewel Box; a notorious brothel in the city. Without the favor of Lloth, chained, humiliated and exploited.. Nayleen -- Suada, as the Brothel's Owner, Nym began calling her -- lived in chains.. and did not leave the Jewel Box's lowest level for over a year. Her only escape was into her dreams -- and without her amulet? The Demon T'Korlak hunted her even then. Haunted by terrifying nightmares of a demon's domination -- 'Suada' often ignored trance entirely... and though it took her tole on her mind and body, often went without rest -- suffering further trauma at the hands of those whom would use her whether her eyes were open, or closed.


The Demon came into her mind when she had lost consciousness -- strangled by her latest drow "lover" as she was raped in one of 
The Jewel Box's many suites-- unable to breath as he choked the life from her, 'Suada' had been a whore in the Jewel Box for over two years.. and ultimately? It was submission to the demon's possession and a pact with her former 'lover' that saved her body and damned her soul. She pledged her immortal aspect to The Demon -- not after her death, but immediately. And he gave her the power to free herself.. 

Necrotic energy delivered through her hands were used to rot the man that had bound her, the drowess quickly turned her new-found power on her latest 'customer' and murdered him in her bed -- a horrid, burning, decay that caused immediate necrosis of the flesh -- brought on by the laying of the Blackguard's hands. She stood.. naked, gasping.. and grasped at his discarded clothing, his cloak, his weapon, lowered his hood over her head.. and she walked out of The Jewel Box Brothel with an unholy glow in her eyes that gave even other dark-elves pause. 

She hired on with a merchant caravan traveling out of Menzoberanzan as a guard and the drowess has never, ever looked back.


THE SURFACE: Blinded by The Light


THE RANGER: Loose Ends

THE LONELY DRAGON: Making Enemies.

THE STOLEN CHILD: Enemies making themselves

THE MEDUSA'S LAIR: "No one will miss them."

THE TIEFLING LORD: Making new friends

THE ELADRIN: Making more friends

THE NOBLE'S DAUGHTER: Putting entitled children in their place



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