The Dominant Drowess
Don't get me wrong. I love slavery, and I love slave collars ... but most people whom approach me to "enslave" their characters are going about it entirely wrong. My Drow character is something of a bad-ass, she's a bit supernatural ... but she's not immortal, she's not as strong as a dragon, a vampire, a lich, or a demon lord..
.. and I wouldn't want her to be.
Anyone approaching me with a slavery related SL in mind needs to keep one thing understood: "Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave."
Male or female.. the more powerful, magically-able, knowledgable, capable, and well-connected your baseline character is, the less likely they are to be useful as a slave.
Slaves, serfs, peasants, and those without the power to enforce their own will are kept as slaves because it is not materially worth it to pay them for services you need. Skilled warriors, artists, artisans, smiths and commands are bribed with coins and material goods (aka; paid and rewarded), because it is cost ineffective to send mooks to control them. (Often because they are to dangerous, to skilled, or have allies that you are likely to lose more in forcing them then you would gain in cooperating with them)
Do you start to see why keeping an arch-mage, half-dragon, or demon as a "slave" can start being ineffective as opposed to simply rewarding them for obedience? The net gain is infinately better and easier ... and Nayleen loves owning slaves. She needs people to cook her meals for her. She needs people to humiliate... or to be offered as sexual favors to her employees.. but?
Your arch-angel, drow weapons-master, and half-dragon aren't likely to fit into those roles.
Slaves ... can be sold. If they are to powerful to be controlled by a random mercenary warrior who wants a new bed-warmer-- then they tend to make a bad "slave". There are other words for that relationship however!
Nayleen employs Alon. She likes him, pays and rewards him with coin, and sometimes when she is really bored? She sucks his cock. She threatens him when he irritates her.. and if Alon ever left Nayleen's "employ"? She'd probably send someone to kill him, or do it herself. Nayleen also killed her own full-blooded drow daughter when she tried to leave their Noble House, in the Underdark.
When you IM me with the word 'Slave' on your tongue.. make sure you use it properly. Slaves whom successfully cause more damage then it cost to buy them, or more then you would easily gain by selling them are usually crucified, murdered, or maimed in some equally hidious fashion.
Nayleen is particularly fond of gelding, and tongue removal if the offense is serious.. and whipping that farmer's daughter if she's just annoyed.
Very Respectfully,
- The Dominant Drowess
Slavery & Slave Collars

~ These are old slave collars. You lock them by hammering a heated, ribbed rod through the eyelets.
~ You open it by having a blacksmith destroy the eyelet. A rock won't do the job.
I bet those shackles would be difficult to strange someone with.