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I love humor. I love funnies. I love irony, and I love satire. Ironically, I do not like sarcasm. Here's a few funnies for your enjoyment. Most of these have to do with circumstances I've encountered in online RP, or in stereotypes and stories related to the fantasy genres in which I RP~ <3


With regards to getting along with me? Keep these very key words in mind:


"I'm an INTP personality type. Take me literally, not seriously. ;) "


I am one of those foolish people in the world whom never has hidden meanings behind anything I say, and I *never* try to hint to people. Ever. Seriously -- I don't make hints. I tell you what I mean, and most of the time? I don't care if outright ignore it. Your life -- I just try to help people get along better with eachother. <3


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Drow Matriarchy
Yes. *This* is my room.
Yes, this is you.
The ideal drow male
Logic! Use it!
I'm the funny looking one.

Here's some links to some things on the net that I enjoy as humor~ most of these are roleplay-related web comics.


  • Elf Only Inn Comic
    A satirical comic about IRC chat roleplaying relevent to AOL RP. If your character is anything like any of the characters in this web comic ... we probably won't get on well. <3

  • The Order of the Stick comic
    A comic about a Dungeons and Dragons party that knows they're in a web-comic, but takes their quasi-reality seriously in context. Lot's of 4th wall humor, while also legitimately despising their villains. Good character/personality development.

  • Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic (NSFW)
    A web comic about the monsters and their living conditions in a large dungeon, in a medieval fantasy roleplaying setting.

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