The Dominant Drowess

My views on 'Rape' in roleplay.
Rape is horrible. Morally wrong, and I do not support it against men or women in real life. It's a monsterous crime against a person's dignity. There are conditions under which I may even refuse to roleplay it out -- because even though I am able to play out almost anything ... sometimes ... an RP can be valueless.
If my character is hard drugged, completely blacked out and not going to remember a damned thing for instance ... what's the point of playing it out? We aren't here for jollies.
My Drow is not a weak-minded little girl easily cowed into doing anything she doesn't want to do.
She also knows full well that she can have pretty much anyone she wants simply by asking to have sex with them; most people she knows are interested in her, even if she isn't interested in them. She doesn't throw her body around casually.
She knows that if some scrub can have her ... someone important isn't going to value her body when she really needs them to.
Nayleen is a very willful woman. If someone wanted to force themselves on her, they'd either have to have enough political pull that she knows she's unable to refuse them, and that refusing the individual would surround her with enemies she couldn't hope to fight off (such as being captive in an enemy's strong-hold long-term) or he or she would have to be willing to go hard, go fast, and not hesitate to hurt her or make her fear for her life while being she is completely unable to protect herself.
She is a trained warrior. If you give her half an opportunity when she doesn't want to be naked with you, she'll grab you by the stones and she won't let go -- and I dare you to play chicken with her in those circumstances.
Someone wanting to physically force her would probably have to take some very drastic, unattractive, unsexy, and unsensual steps to do so -- up to and including blunt trauma to the back of the skull or drugs that would cloud her judgement, perception and ability to participate in the event before or in combination with some form of physical restraint. This may even include broken bones.
If you're okay with this, you're welcome to try it. I do not OOCly protect my character.
But keep in mind? Revenge is a dish best served cold. And it's best served to you when you're busy dealing with something else that's important to you..
Nayleen doesn't rape those she wants to have sex with, unless as a means of demeaning them for pride she believes is false (such as refusing her), or to humiliate a fallen rival. Rape is about power, control, and causing pain -- she can rape a male or another female to humiliate him or her -- while staying straight. It's horrible, and it isn't usually intended to be sexy for the victim. It hurts. Nayleen is very likely to brutally murder someone she has in these circumstances although if she believes the individual has been reduced to physically harmless (such as having disposed someone who's followers have now abandoned them for their weakness, or fear of the drowess) she may make a (long-term or short-term) example of someone.
Usually by giving them to followers once she's done with them.
But if it's someone she got by chance -- who is likely to try to take revenge, or whom has many political allies? She'll probably rape and murder them if they did something to "deserve" the first response.. and go out of her way to dispose of the body.
Be warned. She might break off a table leg to fuck you with.
Or drag you by the hair to the dog kennels.
Rape is not ment to be sexy for the victim -- and with respect to victims? I will not glorify it if it's to be used as part of the plot.
It is a horrifying, traumatizing experience ... and it is right up there with cold-blooded child-murder on most people's morality scale and it is with good reason that people may want to skip it in RP and go: Let's say we did.
I'm not one of those people -- but I understand and I even sympathize with those whom do.