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The Dominant Drowess
Julia Ecklar - Threes (Cynical)
"There's two sides to every coin, lover."
"Bratty Natty", Natalia, Nalathia Elosriad
Bard, Thief, Rogue and Pampered Concubine to the Duchess of the Silver Vale
Julia Ecklar - Threes (Heroic)

Natalia was born as Nalathia Elosriad in The High Forest, a half-breed daughter of Natyli Elosriad, an arch-mage of incredible power who fell in love with her human apprentice. Natalia never had much skill for the magic arts like her sorceress mother, and eventually fell afoul of her mother when she refused to participate in her efforts to undermine the growing power of the human city of Llorkh, and left her mother's tower and The High Forest with as much as she could steal.
She assumed the name "Natalia" to better fit into human culture but found it required far more upkeep to maintain standard of living, but did not find herself. For the next thirty years, Nalathia lived as a bard and entertainer. Sometimes a thief, sometimes a rogue, and a few times even going so far as armed robbery to make ends meat.
It was durring one of these forrays into banditry that Natalia narrowly managed to evade execution when the camp of her and her former friends was suddenly raided by The Duchess of the Silver Vale's soldiers and ... purely by luck she had attempted to steal a portion of someone else's treasure and leave. They bound her and had been discussing killing her when she found herself suddenly rescued and mistaken for innocent victim of kidnapping and theft. Natalia spent the next 40 years in the Duchess's company.
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