The Dominant Drowess
Na'dal's Theme Music: (Stop the other player first~)
Alternate Character: Na'dal, of Svandi
*Sometimes, when Nayleen is tied up in important RPs, and I cannot play her -- I choose to play as an alternate character. Consider Na'dal an NPC for most instances. She is in no way friendly to the drow I RP.
"I'm sorry.. My husband only lets me sleep with women."
Na'dal of Svandi is a fair-skinned, pale haired (although she often dyes it with dark streaks) High-Elven noblewoman and adventurer; the wife of the famed Dragon Slayer 'Leordan of Svandi' -- a Moon Elf Nobleman of some fame if disreputable reputation.
Na'dal and her husband are elven nobles, banished from their homeland for reasons unspecified -- they are very wealthy. Though often seperated by vast distances when they can no longer stand the sight of eachother, going so far as taking lovers outside of their marriage -- the two of them have remained married for over two-centuries in their shared exile and the pair irregularly reconcile. Na'dal is a sensual but harsh woman with a playful, predatory manner and expressive features.
The High-Elf acts like a woman whom has seen it all and tries not to seem surprised or unsettled by anything; although when betrayed or encroached upon her true, vengeful and fiery temprament makes itself readily appartment -- the woman is something of a sadist, and loves to take revenge upon those whom have offended her by learning their weaknesses and using them to bring about seemingly ironic misfortunes that keeps her own hands visibly clean and allow her to enjoy their suffering at a distance or worse -- Forcing those whom have spurned her to come to her for assistance. Na'dal loves nothing more then to see those whom have displeased her squirm.
Na'dal greatly enjoys luxury, and fine clothing -- the comforts her birth-right and her husbands exploits have afforded her throughout her life. Although she is not half the warrior her Moon Elf husband is, she is still a formidable duelist in her own right and is capable of defending herself from most common threats. As an adventurer of two centuries she is at least superficially familiar with the dangers of most supernatural dangers -- although as stated; her husband is the dragon slayer between them.
Presently, the woman is staying in Madame Autumn's Palace of Slaves and Silks and working as senior Slave Mistress and Trainer of the Palace's stock and servants; as elves do not sleep she also moon-lights as a private fencing instructor for the noble guests of Madame Autumn's Palace. Given her penchant for sadism, and her deep love of luxury, power and winning, Na'dal fits ideally into the palace's hiarchy, and has climbed to Lady Autumn's right hand; a position she guards jealously from behind a friendly smile.