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Sex and Eroticism in Roleplay

I love sex RP.


The problem is, I hate the people whom ask me for sex RP.


And worse, the people whom try to demand it.


That's because, to me? Sexuality is part of the authentic human experience within the story. It's like the gooey chocolate chips in a fresh baked cookie. We all know the chocolate chips are why you eat the cookie -- but I don't take a fist-full of chcolate chips and put them in my mouth.

The chocolate chips don't make up even 20% of the cookie's total size. Looking at the story as a whole should be like looking at a fresh-baked chocolate chip cookie. Stop crumbling the cookie up and picking out the chocolate. To me? The whole of the cookie is much more satisfying.


I love men and women; even ones whom have become the other but I'm not a huge fan of she-males. Not saying there's never been exceptions: But super-model chix-with-dicks don't hit those authenticity cords with me that I need for a good story and good sex..


I like sex. I don't know anyone who doesn't. But the problem with me? ... If there isn't a contextual, physical, or emotional background as to why a character is having sex? It doesn't work for me. 


"What if he gives he was willing to give her a gem that makes her immortal."

This kind of stuff is cheap bribery that shows a lack of insight into the nature of why I roleplay and is incredibly insulting to me as a player for multiple reasons.


I don't want my character to just jump into RP sex with your random character. It's completely uninteresting to me and it's completely outside the context of my character, regardless of whatever fake McGuffin you pull out of your character's ass.


If you want your character to fuck my character so bad? Take the risk. Go meet her at the local tavern, or on the street.  If you're not sauve enough, there are other ways to skin a cat -- but appeal to me in OOC is not one of them. You can always try to rape her.. but gelding is one of Nayleen's favorite topics of conversation.. she is only five feet tall and a hundred pounds however.


"Sex gets boring.."

That's why every time Nayleen has sex? I try to have her try a different sex position. It's why I focus more on the foreplay then the actual sex, and tend to have characters cum quickly so as to get back to character development. A sex scene 6 posts long with some heavy petting  and a position change can be just as sexy as one 10 posts long.. and sometimes? After 12 posts (and 3 hours?) ... it can really stop being exciting. Sexual RP is best when kept short, and interesting.. and sometimes even uncomfortable.


Very Respectfully,

  - The Dominant Drowess

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