The Dominant Drowess
The Lonely Dragon Inn

"Do you know why it's called the lonely dragon inn? Because I killed it's entire family. Pay your tab. Or I'll kill yours too."
- The Drow to someone sneaking out

~ Price List ~
"No freaks, fools, felons, or monsters allowed! - The Management"
- Sign on the front door, Mounted next to a gnoll's head.
The Lonely Dragon Inn is a nice, but not extravagant tavern in The City of Llorkh, in the edge of the slum district, not far from Main Street. The City of Llorkh is mostly ruled by petty bandit Lords calling themselves nobility.
The tavern, if you check the deed in Llorkh is owned by The Lord Dhal -- a Tiefling Lord -- but if you ask in the inn? The Drow woman whom runs the place as it's Inn Keeper will tell you eloquently, and on no uncertain terms that the place belongs to her.
The Inn keeps a wide selection of wines, cognacs, and heavy (never watered down) ales; and frequently allows traveling merchants and farmers selling goods in Llorkh to trade their goods in exchange for room and board -- the tavern surviving mostly on barter given it's remote location on the edge of town's slum distict; although coin is always accepted.
The Inn Consists of several rooms on ground level surrounding a courtyard like a villa, and three chambers in the basement -- two of which are used for storage, and one for.. recreation. Each room, including the common areas, and kitchens are fitted with steel 'O' rings, fitted into the walls, and the occassional set of shackles, mostly hidden behind fur wall hangings.
It is obvious to any whom look upon them that the majority of those whom live and work at the inn are collared slaves, and The Drowess is a card-carrying member of Llorkh's notorious Slaver's Guild.
Interestingly, this is the second Inn that The Drow has owned named 'The Lonely Dragon' ... She was forced out of the origional, and it was taken on by a new owner who renamed the tavern.. which mysteriously burned down shortly there-after.
OOC Note;
Price Scale is important to the setting. Many of the characters here have debts, hopes, dreams, and aspirations that players enjoy working towards. Please don't throw this off by spontaneously creating and offering large amounts of currency to them. We prefer working out deals that involve long-term IC investment and interaction, and offer eachother some long-term control over eachother's fates rather then independance and sudden short-term gains.
Please, play for the long haul;
And try to mind the personal preferences while you're in the tavern.
A sign over the bar lists the following prices, and the notice:
"Do not tip the waitress."
Meal; including meat, vegitables and a pitcher of house wine: 7 Copper.
Room; for the Night: 1 silver.
- 5 copper per night per additional room occupant -
Room; for the week: 5 silver.
- 2 silver per additional guest in your room. -
Wench; for sexual or other private company per 2 hours: 1 silver (cost of room required)
- Don't ask for the drow, you won't get her.