The Dominant Drowess
My Needs for RP:
I Roleplay in a generic medieval fantasy setting. I RP with anyone who's character fits a relatively serious, non-anime Medieval setting that takes itself a bit serious and is capable of both drama and melodrama; even if you're a Lord of the Rings Elf; we just compromise continuity a little; and play through.
You don't have to have a profile, or a pretty screen name to roleplay with me. Just be willing to RP in public. If you aren't? You won't last with me. All you need is to be capable of writing more then a few sentences at a time. I do long-hand and short-hand RP.
My own character is inspired by The Dark-Elves, The Drow of The Forgotten Realms D&D Campaign and fantasy novel setting popularized by Bauldur's Gate 1, Bauldur's Gate 2, Icewind Dale, Drizzt Do'Urden novels, Neverwinter Nights 1 & 2, and Neverwinter Nights Online.
While some people can't quite figure out how to spell it out plainly, we all know there is a not so fine line between art and pornography. While one jaded person I know and love once said: 'Erotica; it means porn that works for me' --and I agree to some extent--
I want to point out that I have not written my character to guarentee your character gets laid.
I won't write your character for you. I won't guarentee that you get to have sex with my character -- although I may be willing to put my character into a compromising situation -- ... but you need to know in advance, I prefer Public Room RP, and all of my character's RPs become part of her continuity; I never play in private with strangers. Likewise? I write my characters with the idea of erotic novels in mind -- not cheesy sex stories, but full length stories with some adult situations.
I also need to point out ... that if you don't have a character, I don't want you to make one that becomes impossible to play if my character and yours don't get along how you wanted.
I can't count the number of times someone wants to make a character to "fit" me -- without fitting the rest of the RP community, and it is borderline clingy behavior. And this gets particularly creepy when you have someone trying to play a mindflayer with you ... and there's nowhere else to RP that mindflayer except with you (And mindflayers freak me the fuck out -- it's certainly not something I want to see in RP every day.) -- although any other character "designed" to fit "perfectly" with my character? Usually won't.
Please, create your characters as if I don't exist. Then we'll throw 'em in a room together and see if they go for the eyes or not.
A few example characters to avoid trying to fit with me;
- Exotic underdark monsters.
- Drow whom only want to fuck my drow.
- Slaves whom desperately want to "submit" to my drow.
If our characters don't hit it off in chat, and you have no intention of playing with anywhere else -- then you're doing it wrong.
The plot makes the sex more satisfying to me. I am not interested in a plot that revolves around sex.
I love adult situations, public bath houses, whore-houses, grit, crime, abuse of power, intrigue, waking up with a hang-over naked next to someone you would -never- fuck sober, and other things that make a setting gritty, authentic ('realistic' is to loaded a word for a fantasy setting) interesting and flawed. If you give me the same ol' stickh about Mysterous Strangers "with something that makes him special", or Demons, or Fallen Angels, or Captured Angels -- I assure you ... it isn't what I'm looking for. I want my character, a person, to interact with other people.
When I enter a roleplay scene? My character usually has an objective that I require her to fulfill by interacting with other players -- whether she is asking directions, escaping imprisonment, evading enemies, trying to find something to eat, needs to buy or capture a slave -- or make a bit of money (through theft, mugging, or honest exchange) or whatever ...
I make sure that whatever she has to do? She has to talk to a player's character to get it done.
That's how I push the plot, and give us reason to be in the same RP Room together. Where we take it from there? Is largely up to the personalities of the characters.
Because of this -- if you disappear, do not be surprised if I create excuses for her plot to move past you. I only lock my character down for a few days at a time to finish scenes. Otherwise? I may add-hoc the results.
One thing that's important to me though?
Your character needs to not be a special snowflake.
This includes half-vampires, sparkling vampires that walk in daylight, demons that aren't evil, submissive angels, or other characters that violently disrupt the idea of what one is supposed to expect from the abilities of these characters when the name 'Demon' or 'Vampire' or 'Human' is spoken aloud.
Rather then making your character inherently awesome ... by giving them powers they can't help but have ... try making your character a cool person. Goals, methods of speaking, ways of dealing with people that other people can technically do, but don't think of... ways of handling situations that both impress people, and can be identified with.. rather then making up or barrowing special powers and abilities.
I had someone, recently bring their "special kind of vampire" to me.. whom could "only" walk in daylight for 2 - 4 hours each day.. whom had to eat both human food, and blood ... whom could "only" mess with people's emotional states if "they didn't know how to shield themselves" -- and this? This is just.. to much, in my opinion. His "drawback" for all these "scaled back" powers was that his character was a "mute".
"I weakened him a lot" is exactly the kind of lines people give me when they have the wrong thought process about this kind of thing.
Do you see how all the things that are amazing about the above character are inherent, rather then behavioral?
There is nothing inspiring about that character. Being "half-vampire" or a "lesser vampire", or "different" doesn't -add- to the narrative. Being "half-vampire" and "only" being able to spend "2 to 4 hours per day" in sunlight is not going to save anyone from your (above human) super powers if they run into sunlight to hide from someone trying to drink their blood -- do you see how weaknesses are not about what you /would/ abuse, but rather, about what you -could- abuse?
It isn't about how *often* you abuse it.. but that it *is* abusable.. and in this instance, the narrative drama of an undead, unholy abomination against the gods being rebelled, hissing with visible fangs, unable to pass through sunlight is lost ... do you see how the narrative drama ... the entire *point* of vampires is lost?
Playing a demi-god however, is not inherently bad! God characters can be very interesting when played correctly ... but they don't belong in the local tavern, smashing people in the face when someone comes between you and that hot elf who was leading you on.