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Guiding Principles

Llorkh's guidelines are designed as something of a balance between the twin objectives of:

 'Enjoy Dynamic Deeply Personal Roleplay With Consequences' AND 'Remain approachable for new people to get easily involved in'


To that end, a long list of hard rules is often difficult for people to get onboard with when they enter into a new setting. We aren't going to tell you that you CANNOT play something~ however? People may tell you that they prefer not to play with you if your character is described as 'The Emperor Of Hell' or whatever overly inflated character of obscene power you have created. The guidelines presented below are instead what we've found to be 'Best Practices'.. and almost all of them, under the right circumstances can be bent, or bypassed if a person has enough tact, timing and a good feel for their audience (the people they are roleplaying with).


(Under Construction)



  • Chatroom Conduct
      - People whom aren't actively playing are allowed to observe, or 'lurk'.
      - Don't take an action on or against another player on your first post.

      - Llorkh rooms are high authenticism medieval low-fantasy; stylized anime or modern characters are not what we're here for.
      - Turn order is alphabetical by screen-name. Avoid interrupting people and keep your posts limited to one or two full blocks.

      - If you are angry about the conduct of a character, take a break. Don't take IC hostility into OOC. 
      - There is no such thing as a permenant ban, and willingness to talk out differences in private is key.

  • Get Familiar with the Setting under 'Setting Info' above.
      - Magic and the supernatural are typically seen ICly as a disruptive force in Llorkh. Think 'Witcher'.

  • Makeing or Adapting A Character.

  • Character Motivations & Day-To-Day life.
      - In order to understand why your character is in the city, understanding their motivations and daily life is key.

  • Getting Your Character Involved With Others

  • Sex-Play & Eroticism
      - Everyone loves chocolate, but don't just stick a fist-full of chocolate chips in your mouth - take the time to bake them into cookies!

  • Be Nice OOC  & Cause Conflict IC
      - Try to help people OOC, even if you don't like their character. Don't take offense, even if they do.
      - Remember that conflict and conflict resolution is at the core of every movie, game, book, story and important event in human history.



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